Qualify, route, and schedule meetings instantly

Close deals faster with real-time website scheduling for high-value leads and customers.

Book qualified buyers on the spot

Get better results from your “Contact Sales” forms and prevent high-value buyers from looking elsewhere.

Why Calendly Routing?

Adding real time scheduling into your marketing workflows shouldn’t require a Ph.D. Increase speed to lead with customizable options without changing your existing setup.

“Our HubSpot form conversion rates have skyrocketed with Calendly Routing. We’re now seeing 70% of qualified leads booking demos directly from our website. Our entire team is thrilled.”

Max Friedman

CEO, Givebutter

Get more from your tools

Works with your marketing tools

Enhance your existing HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot website forms. Simply import form fields into Calendly and add scheduling routes based on submission data.

Simple to get started

Don’t have forms on your site? No problem. Build a routing form in Calendly that you can embed on your website or share as a link.

Built for your CRM

Create scheduling routes that reference real time account assignment, filtering by deal stage or other Salesforce fields. Enjoy faster deal momentum without time-consuming, manual reassignments.
“The Salesforce lookup is a game changer for our sales team. They no longer spend 5+ hours a month reassigning website demos.”

Abbie Deaver

Director of Marketing, RCReports

Build routing forms in Calendly

Create a routing form that uses basic routing logic (fixed answer responses) to screen and qualify people before they book with you.

Import existing HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot forms

Import third party forms into Calendly and easily add scheduling routes from visible or hidden fields — as well as Salesforce ownership status.

Route from hidden fields

Use Clearbit or ZoomInfo enrichment data in HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot marketing forms. Shorten forms and dial in your scheduling routes with industry, company size, and other enriched data.

Route with Salesforce lookup

Automatically match and schedule known leads and existing customers based on real time CRM account assignment, filtering by deal stage or other Salesforce fields.

Things our customers say

Take it from the millions of people who use Calendly to save time and drive revenue every day.

“We’re already seeing an incredible 70% conversion rate of meetings booked from our lead form; the experience is clearly resonating with customers, and it's driving better results for our sales and marketing teams."

Bryce Kropf Sales Enablement Manager,

“Before Calendly Routing, 60% of people who started to book a meeting on our website did not complete it. Now, we’re automatically sending demos to specific reps based on company size, which has created better experiences for both our customers and employees. We’re winning more business with less work.”

Kenneth Burke
Kenneth Burke Vice President of Marketing, Text Request

“We’re able to qualify leads instantly and connect them to the right person on our sales team every time. Calendly Routing helps us put prospects on the right path automatically.”

Alex Friend
Alex Friend Head of Growth, Stonly


Hit your inbound growth targets

Start booking qualified, account-matched meetings directly from your website.